Welcome to THE SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHER'S NETWORK A Ministry of ChristianCrafters.Com
"For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them."
Matthew 18:20
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It will be nice to see who is writing from where! :o)
1) Bible Drills For Grades 7-9?
2) Carving Pumpkins
3) A Heart Like Mine
4) Bridal Shower Games
5) Bridal Shower Games
6) Shower Games
7) Bridal Shower Games
8) Songs with sign language?
9) www.signlanguage.com
10) Bridal Shower Games
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SSTN NOTES: This section will now be for important updates and various 'housekeeping' issues in the SSTN network, please read it to stay abreast of important changes!
* Please note message 8 and 9, above. These were sent in the same day by two different people. Obviously God knew the question and had the answer before it was even asked! WONDERFUL, ISN'T IT?!!
* WHEN POSTING YOUR MESSAGES: Use upper and lower case letters,
and a standard black font style such as 'Arial'. Thank you!
Notify me if you change your email address, just unsubscribe then resubscribe. Thanks! Sarah Keith-Your Moderator <>< Sakeith@aol.com
I stumbled on your website while searching for games to help with Bible Drill classes. I was so excited to find so many useful things. I litterly spend hours just looking at all the great stuff. This is my second year teaching Bible Drill in our church and I am probably learning more than the students. This year I have taken on the Youth Drillers (grades 7-9). This is very challenging and have had a hard time finding material to help with the verses we have to learn as well as the books of the bible. I have had to make up my own games and other aids to help them. If anyone knows of where I could possibly get material for this please let me know. Again I love your site and Christian Crafters.
Debbie Bozeman
S/S Middle School (6-8th grades)
Sylester, Ga.
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Do you need an ALL-PURPOSE children'sprogram at your church? 'Kid's Time Kit: God's People Celebrate!' is for any number of kids, any number of teachers, and for limited budgets! (Grades 1-6). Check it out under Curriculum at:
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2) Carving Pumpkins
I found a great pumpkin carving idea in Group's Children's Ministry magazine a few years ago. It was called the Pumpkin Prayer. You carve the pumpkin while reciting the prayer. It goes like this:
Lord, open my mind so I can learn new things about you.(remove top of pumpkin)
Remove the wrong things in my life that don't please you. Forgive the wrong things I do and help me to forgive others. (Pull out the insides) Open my eyes to see the beauty you've made in the world around me. (carve the eyes out) I'm sorry for the times I've turned up my nose at the good food you provide. (carve the nose) Let everything I say please you. (carve mouth) Lord help me show your light to others through the things I do. ( place a candle inside and light it) I bought pumpkins for all the kids and copied the pray and hung it on each of the pumpkins. The parents loved it as much as the kids.
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For $19.95 a month and a $9.95 set up fee, you can have Christian-Filtered internet access! Go to http://www.netangel.com or call: 1-800-952-1973 for more information.
Tell NetAngel.Com that Sarah from: ChristianCrafters.Com sent you!!
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3) "A Heart Like Mine"
Hello fellow sisters and brothers in Christ, I want to praise God for such a wonderful web e-mail program you have opened up for all of us to share. Thank you. I am asking for any ideas for a retreat to do that would follow the theme of "A Heart Like Mine." I appreciate any ideas that you could share. This is for High School age students. Pam Moore- CCCScccc@aol.com
--from ChristianCrafters.Com: if you email Pam directly, make sure you carbon copy to SSTN so we can all share the knowledge! Blessings, Sarah Keith-Your Moderator.
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THE BOOKSTORE at ChristianCrafters.Com
In Holidays & Holy Days, you can purchase:
** Family Celebrations at Thanksgiving and Alternatives to Halloween,
** Biblical Christmas Plays & Musicals
** Chrismon Snowflake Ornaments (Make & Create)
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5) Bridal Shower Games
This site: http://www.angelfire.com/fl2/thisnthat/ has bridal games. A
lot of them are pencil and paper type games, but you could have them laying
around then as people enter they can work on them as a group and then you
can give the answers later on. There are also paperless games too. One of
our staff was having his first baby, so we held a churchwide baby shower and
used some of these games. It was a lot of fun!
Featuring 'Picture This'-Free Tangram puzzles and an educational
resource bookstore with puzzles, books and games for kids!
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6) Shower Games
I have found some cute games by just searching the web under "bridal shower
games". Try it! Phyllis
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7) Bridal Shower Games
It just so happens that my daughter is getting married in January and I found some great Bridal shower games online at imagebydesign.com/kathee/bridal/games.htm.
Wonderful selection. Enjoy yourself! Kathleen from DeWitt
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8) Songs with sign language?
My name is Torri and i teach children ages 3-5. For our Christmas program i wanted to teach the kids a simple song with sign language , such as Silent night. If anyone knows where i can get song sheets with lyrics and sign .. please let me know. I have a sign language book but ... well it doesn't have some of the signs i need. We already do 2 other sign language songs in class.
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9) www.signlanguage.com
You won't believe what I've been doing all day! I teach the 5th & 6th grade class, and wanted to teach them a song called "Because We Believe". It is The Apostles Creed put to music. Apparently this song has been around a long time, but this is sung by a praise band called Higher Ground. My 12-year old daughter has memorized the creed without even trying.
I have wanted to put hand motions to this song, and yesterday I found a
website www.signlanguage.com that has a dictionary with video clips which
shows how to make each sign. I'm so excited!
Today I put all of the signs together and I'm going to teach some kids tonight
to see how they like it. I will attach this composition for whoever wants to
use it.
If anyone wants the cassette or CD, call or email:
Higher Ground Music Ministries
626 357-1025
This is one of my very favorite praise CD and would highly recommend it. They
were here in Phoenix last year and they were awesome!
Thanks for this newletter,
PS- I found another sign language site, but haven't had time to dig into it.
Perhaps they would have sign pictures. I do know that it has the Bible in
sign. http://cyberjer.com/signbibl/
Until next time,
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10) Bridal Shower Games
Have a contest among the bridal shower guests. Divide them into groups and give each group 1 or 2 rolls of toilet paper. They have to pick one person in their group to be a bride and dress her in a bridal gown made from toilet paper. Each "bride" models her "gown" for the whole group and the bridesmaids serve as judges (usually based on the loudest applause from the guests. The winner gets the prize. It's a real hoot! Linda Lawler-Pittsburgh, PA
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SEND IN YOUR SUGGESTIONS, REQUESTS & IDEAS! :o) Invite your friends and coworkers to join us!
Publication in any medium for commercial purposes
is strictly prohibited without prior written permission.
--Copyright 2000 S.A. Keith--All Rights Reserved.
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--------------FOR NEWCOMERS!
* If at all possible, try to post your questions two weeks in advance. That way it will appear in the newsletter in a timely manner, and you'll receive your response before you need it.
Don't forget about the availability of free Bible Games & Skits, Children's Sermons and Christian Crafts at ChristianCrafters.Com! If you have a Bible game, sermon, or Christian craft that you've created, email me, Sarah Keith, and share it with the rest of the world in my website!
You can access past SSTN letters: Go to www.ChristianCrafters.Com and click on 'Archives List'.
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The Sunday School Teacher's Network is brought to you by: ChristianCrafters.Com http://www.christiancrafters.com
--Copyright 2000 S.A. Keith--
(The opinions expressed in the SSTN e-Newsletter are not necessarily endorsed by ChristianCrafters.Com. SSTN reserves the right to edit and or exclude information from the SSTN e-Newsletter. You can read a short 'bio' regarding Sarah Keith, founder of the SSTN, by clicking on the copyright info at the bottom of the home page of ChristianCrafters.Com)