Sunday School Network

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Newsletter Issue #12  --  October 14, 2019  

Halloween Controversy

Should we celebrate or not?

This is the time of year when the lines are drawn between whether or not Christians, particularly within Children's Ministries, should or shouldn't celebrate Halloween. Many churches opt to have a Fall Festival instead, yet there are those who think even that shouldn't happen because it is just a "Halloween replacement." 

Many, many years ago, I was involved in a College Ministry at a prominent downtown church. One year, if you can believe it, we actually created a "Haunted House"! It was more funny than scary. We did it with good intentions, to draw in the unsaved to hear a Gospel message afterwards. Today, there is more awareness of the connection with satanic influence, so I would definitely not advise doing this as a "way to witness" to others. 

However, I believe there are two good reasons to have fall festivals for your children's ministry: Keep reading.

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Sarah Keith

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Sarah Keith <><


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