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SSTN - Number 171
March 26, 2001

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1) VBS - Outback Theme
2) Easter for Pre School Ages
3) Outback VBS Theme
4) Easter Songs?
5) Outback Expedition
6) Armor of God
7) F.R.O.G.S. VBS?
8) Samson and Delilah story
9) Easter for preschool ages
10) Fund raising
11) Aussie Praise
12) Fund raising ideas

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1) VBS - Outback Theme

This would not have to be a boring theme at all! Just think Austrailia
-You have kangaroos, koalas, alligators, desert, etc. to work with. If you
set up as stations you could even make it a "trek" through the outback --
give the kids a little plastic canteen, a map that leads them from
station, etc. Maybe these ideas will help -- Candy - Seminole TX

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Sarah Keith - Your Moderator <><

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2) Easter for Pre School Ages

I think that is a great idea! Every year our church holds an annual
Easter Egg-Stravaganza and inside the eggs we put a scripture and candy or
a prize. We have grown from 150 people the first year to over 1000 our
third year. This year we expect around 2000. We have a puppet show, give
an invitation, have the egg hunt, and then have a drawing for a bike
giveaway. It is a great opportunity for an outreach. I like the idea of
a coloring contest - that is a good way to connect with kids and encourage
them to come to sunday school. Some families will only come to church on
holidays and this might be a way to start them coming this holiday and
then encourage them to come back on a regular basis.

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3) Outback VBS Theme

I see lots of possibilities! Create an outback corner somewhere with a
backdrop painted of vast desert like spaces, then make a large cardboard
kangaroo and cut out a space for kids to stick in their faces and take
pictures of them in the outback! I would cover the area around the
kangaroo in plastic and add buckets of sand on the floor, and put in a
rubber snake or two! Paint some scrubby looking bushes around the sides
or take old branches from your yard for a 3-d effect.

The director or greeter of the event should wear a khaki bush type outfit.
Research some of the animals or have kids do this and talk about how the
animals and plants are made to be suited for the harsh environment in the
outback. Parallel this to how God makes us each unique and prepares us to
live where we do and with different circumstances in our lives. Pass out
exotic animal stickers that survive in a "bush" environment.

Plan some outback style relay team race games like- first get in your
vehicle- (tricycle) and pedal to a certain point, then run to get some
water in your canteen, then run back and water the animals (stuffed
animals) around a pool with the water in your canteen, then get back and
vehicle and then the next person repeat etc.

Snack time- go to an army surplus and buy some survival type meals and
show the kids these. I was amazed what all they pack into a small
package! The one I used for a "Army Type event had Ravioli Pasta and the
portable heater packet that you activate with water to warm you dinner.
(this is dangerous though don't allow kids to try it unsupervised),
applesauce, peanut butter and crackers, a granola bar, candy, gum,
powdered drink mix, raisins, plastic utensils, salt and pepper, Tabasco
sauce, and what I thought was a napkin I was told was toilet paper! Kids
loved seeing this and would be perfect for a survival type of environment.
Maybe offer dried fruit for snacks that day, banana chips and raisins,
peanut butter and crackers etc. and let them make their own powdered
drink. I'm still thinking. . . but enough for now! God bless Mary Goemaat

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In the BOOKSTORE at ChristianCrafters.Com you can now purchase

the Resurrection Eggs with book, that tells the 'real story' of Easter.

In the Holidays & Holy Days section.

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4) Easter Songs?

FAX=501-455-6628 PHONE+501-455-6685

--from SSTN: if you respond directly, please copy to SSTN...otherwise we
won't be able to benefit from your knowledge.

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5) Outback Expedition

We did the Outback Expedition from CPH last year. The kids loved it! The
songs were catchy and fun. Our colors were orange, purple, yellow, and
green mainly. They were bright and colorful. I used sidewalk chalk and
drew the koala with the verse, "We are all Gods children." on the sidewalk
leading into the church and into the Sunday School building. We have a
talented man in our church who created a character, Mick. Mick ended the
day recalling the message with a little creativity. He had a pet
alligator. All week this alligator was out of sight. He talked about
this alligator, I forgot her name. On the last night, he brought out a
pool raft shaped like an alligator. The kids just howled. We shared
decorations with 2 other local Lutheran churches, which was very nice.
They had colorful balloons and posterboard pictures onto sticks. They
stuck these into a 5-gallon bucket and wrapped colorful material around
the bottom. I have lots of leftover decorations and craft ideas. If you
will contact me, maybe we can arrange to have these sent to you somehow.
I hate to toss them when someone can use it. LMK. Kim Smith

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6) Armor of God

>>I'm looking for a graphic or clipart of the Armor of God.

I found some great Armor of God paper dolls at daniellesplace.com and
kidssundayschool.com Sherry, Indiana

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7) F.R.O.G.S. VBS?

We are planning on using the F.R.O.G.S. VBS this year. Does anyone have
any craft ideas? Stacy Linder - Blue Baptist - linderstacy@hotmail.com

--from SSTN: Check out PRAISE-AMATIONS in the Curriculum section at

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8) Samson and Delilah story?

I'm a new subscriber and i'm looking for any good ideas--craft ideas and
storytelling ideas for the Samson and Delilah story, suitable for 4 and 5
year-olds. Also any cooking/snack ideas would be great!
Hope someone can help. Dcesue

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9) Easter for preschool ages

> I teach preschool (ages 4,5 and Kindergarten) SS. I was thinking of
> a "coloring sheet contest" and have prizes. I have done this before when
> I was a mgr. at McD's and it went over really well. But I was wondering
> if it's too "worldly".

There is NOTHING more important than telling a child about the love of
Christ! Different ways but nothing more important. Suggestions: Make sure
that the coloring sheets have a scripture ON them. Encourage parental
involvement ["each child accompanied by an adult will receive......*****]
Include special prizes for children that find "THE MEANING of Easter" eggs
and incorporate Resurrection eggs into your egg hunt. "Suffer the little
children to come unto me"

****Having had the blessing of serving in both striving and bountiful
congregations I know that maybe it may be a challenge to come up with a
"prize." If you are blessed with a Church that has a tight budget then you
will be able to give them such things as Easter wrapped HOME MADE cookies
and a construction paper ribbon. If you happen to be blessed with a church
that has more resources....then I would suggest that you make SURE that
the prize doesn't out shadow THE PRIZE.God bless you and may He cause your
Easter Celebration to bring many little hearts to Him this year! Deb
Halleck-Hill Country Bible Church-Austin, Tx

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10) Fund raising

>We will be starting the heifer project and raising funds.I need some
> help, I dont just want the kids to do a bake sale etc

If I remember correctly the Heifer Project is a project that teaches
people to feed themselves - "Feed a man a fish and he eats for a day.
Teach him to fish and he feeds himself" You do not say where in Mass. you
are. However, many farmers up there are familiar with your project [I am
from W. Mass.the Berkshires]

I am not sure what your resources are. However, enlisting a local farmer
to "donate" the sale of one of his livestock to this project.......AFTER
the children have helped to care for the animals. Would be a wonderful way
to meet your goal. [Feeding the chickens on Saturday morning so the farmer
could do something else. Learning how and committing to milking the cows
on a small dairy farm or just MUCKING out.] It can really help our kids to
realize how blessed they are and how they can bless not just one......[the
Farmer] but many......[The Heifer Project].
Your sister in His service, Deb Halleck-Hill Country Bible Church-Austin,

--from SSTN: there is a GOLDMINE of ideas regarding unique fund raising
ideas and info on the Heiffer Project in the Archives List at

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11) Aussie Praise

>I am looking for ideas for our VBS. The theme this year is in the
> outback. I am looking for craft ideas, decorating ideas, and snack ideas.

Hi, Karin I know you didn't ask about music but there is a tape called
Aussie Praise for Kids. It is really cute and the guy on the tape has an
Australian accent. Since we all know that Australia is known as the
Outback. I hope this helps. The web site is www.ap4k.com Janna

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12) Fund raising ideas

>I don't just want the kids to do a bake sale etc I want something fun
>for the kids to help make or do and for the church to respond in a
>fashion and help us raise our funds. Does anyone have any great ideas

A really good fund raiser is a "pie in the face" contest. Pick two
willing adults, and place cans or jars for everyone to put money in. At
the end of the designated time, the person with the most is the "winner"
and gets the pie. You would be really surprized at how much you can earn
this way. Almost no effort, but great results. Another "can" idea is to
have a talent show. Each act gets a can, and the votes are cast by
putting money in the cans. The one with the most wins the talent show.
This is good for the smaller kids. They come up with some really cute
acts to put on. Hope these ideas help! Sherri - Youth Director, Church of
God Remnant, Sand Springs, OK

--from SSTN: Archives...Archives...Archives...at

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