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**** A service of ChristianCrafters.Com ****

"For where two or three come together in my name,
there am I with them." -- Jesus

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SSTN # 51 - April 24, 2003

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--> God's Top 10

1) How do you handle VBS?
2) Armor of God Idea
3) Snakes and ladders game
4) Bible Bucks?
5) Finding a church that needs you?

--> Buggie For Jesus - I'm A BEE-liever!

6) Blank CD crafts   
7) Turkish Pastor Needs Prayer
8) Reaching Our Youth   
9) Avoiding Drugs lesson
10) Trapped in Sin lesson?

--> W.W.J.S.? Gospel Catchers

11) Godly behavior
12) Bible vs Evolution   
13) Discipline   
14) Summer life application curriculum?
15) Jesus Tomb   

<>< <>< <>< <>< TODAY'S SSTN POSTINGS: <>< <>< <>< <><

God's Top 10 - Understanding God's Love In The Ten Commandments

The Ten Commandments contain many "Do Nots". They teach us God’s holy
standard and show us how far we fall short of his perfection. But they are
more than this; in these "Do Nots", one can find a positive message: a
message of God’s love. (Developed by Sarah Keith for Kindergarten to 5th
Follow the link below to learn more:


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1) How do you handle VBS?

I belong to a small, rural church that is experiencing some growth.  My
question is about vacation bible school.  We use to have it during the day
but several years ago changed it to the evenings to accommodate working
parents.  But even that is not working.  I am curious how other churches
handle vacation bible school.

Karen in WI

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2)  Armor of God Idea

I just want to let you know how much fun my group had playing Sarah's
Armor of God game with the playing cube.  The kids were all so thrilled to
take their cubes home to play with later.  During class, we looked at
pictures of Roman Soldiers and also discussed all the armor pieces.  For
shoes, we used socks.  I went to our local thrift store and bought old
sweatshirts (adult small, all plain with no logos or pictures, but in an
array of bright colors) for the breastplates and bought old ties for the
belt of truth.  When I told the thrift store what I was going to do with
the items, they sold them to me at a really deep discount.  I bought
metallic party hats from the dollar store for the helmets and a bag of
colored feathers so each child could add a feather plume to his/her
helmet.  For swords, I went to a local paint store who donated paint stir
sticks (smooth, no points).  And for shields, I used what are called
"pizza rounds" which are 12-inch round pieces of corrugated cardboard
which I got really cheap from a packing supply store.   Then I punched two
holes in each shield and ran a pipe cleaner through them for a handle.
The kids also got to color and decorate their shields and swords.  Then
they all got to take their whole outfit home with them (except for my
husband's socks) along with their own cube.  We had a blast; the time went
too fast for the kids.
I really recommend this game.  Well worth the $3 pattern.
Sally in Wichita

--from SSTN: thanks for the plug, Sally. For those interested, you
can find the cube with the free game on the Curriculum Creatives page:
ysic, sarah <><
PS. all sales help to support SSTN!

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3)  Snakes and ladders game

Hi Jo,
I split the kids into groups. As they progress up a ladder we paused the
game and spoke about things which bring us closer to the Lord (like living
righteously, obedience, prayer, victory) and read the scripture regarding
this, As they slid down the ladder we paused and spoke about issues which
drive us further from the Lord (sin) and read a scripture. The kids loved
it and we ended up playing it a couple of times.
I am teaching 10 year old children and would like some ideas on how I can
make the station of the cross meaningful for these children.

Sunshine Kids Ministry (ministering to the orphans in South Africa)

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4) Bible Bucks?

Hi, Im looking for information on Bible bucks, I want to use it for my
Wed. night kids club, if anyone has any info. i would really appreciate
it. Thankyou Joyce

--from SSTN: try the archives:

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5) Finding a church that needs you?   

Hi everyone:
Last year my husband and I thought about changing churches mainly because
the Sunday School curriculum.  It was terrible and really has not gotten
better.  So during the summer break we looked around at other churches in
area and their Sunday School and the curriculum they used.  We found one
church that I really enjoyed, but the minister seemed very cold when he
we were visiting from another church, and the Christian Education Director
was pretty cold too.  My question is:  my husband and I are both Sunday
School teachers with 25 years experience.  We love what we do, and want to
continue teaching, but when you change to a new church you can not just go
to the Director and say I have taught SS for 25 years.  Do you have a need
for me here?  They have no idea who you are and if you are safe with their
children.  I can understand that perfectly.  If we decide to change
does anyone have any suggestions how we can fit ourselves into the program
God bless America.

--from SSTN: come to my church, we'll fit you in right away. ;o)) Show
yourselves to be good helpers, and build relationships and trust. I think
making yourselves available is the key. ysic, sarah <><

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Buggie For Jesus - I'm A BEE-liever!

Reproducible buggie crafts, games, lessons, and yummy devotions
to coordinate with your summertime VBS programs, or midweek classes.

In the Curriculum section: 

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6) Blank CD crafts   

I also saw a really neat craft made from old DCs.  Hot glue lace around
the outside edge on the written side.  Make a small floret of lace with a
flower in the center and hot glue that through the center hole so it shows
on the mirrored side.  Add a loop of lace to hang it.   Make several to
hang on the wall; mirror side out.  Old CDs make great purse mirrors in a
pinch as well.  DAR, Alabama

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7) Turkish Pastor Needs Prayer

Dear Friends,
On Sunday I've been invited to talk on a nationwide Islamic television
chanel (Kanal 7) at 11 o'clock in the evening.  The subject is the Iraq
War.  They want to know about the view of the American church about this
war.  At the same time they want to know about the Turkish churches'
views.  Furthermore, they said that I'll be able to talk about what the
Bible says on the subject of war.  Please pray for me in accordance with
Ephesians 6:12 'that utterance may be given to me, and that I may open
my mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel.'

Ihasan Ozbek

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8) Reaching Our Youth   

That is awesome what you guys are doing for the youth. I was wondering if
I may ask you a question. My husband and I are children pastor's and we
have been having our former students who have graduated from Kid's Church
to Youth to help us in our services. They have accepted. Well, it has been
some time now that they have been there every Sunday to help and we are
wanting to show our appreciation to them for their awesome dedication and
the love they have to help God's Kingdom grow. Do you have any ideas on
how we can show these youth volunteers how much we appreciate them? We
only have 4 boys who volunteer.

Serving His children,

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9) Avoiding Drugs lesson

Here is an illustration you could use to complement any lesson on avoiding
All you need is a square piece of cardboard - ideally about 30 cm x 30 cm.
On one side of the cardboard write the word NO (in capitals). Turn the
card over and from bottom to top write NO again. (i.e. on one side NO is
written from left to right, and on the other, from bottom to top).

Hold the cardboard in front of yourself, with your left hand grasring the
top left hand corner, and your right hand grasping the bottom right hand
corner. Practice twisting the card over. The secret is to keep your hands
still, and let the card make all the movements. Now, change your hand
positions. Grasp the bottom left hand corner with your left hand, and the
top right hand corner with your right hand. Twist the card over a few
times as before. You will note that - depending on where your hands are
placed - you can make the word to appear to either keep saying NO (or ON),
or to keep changing from NO to ON as the card is twisted.

You are now ready to illustrate your lesson, twisting the card at the
appropriate places.

e.g. You must always say "NO" to drugs. No matter how many times you are
offered them, you must keep on saying "NO", "NO", "NO." Because if you
take drugs, you will then be "ON" them. You may say "NO" most of the time,
but each time you take them you will be "ON" them. And, because they are
so addictive, you will soon find that you are "ON", "ON", "ON" them all
the time. So the only answer to drugs is to say "NO" to them and keep on
saying "NO", "NO", "NO".

You could use a similar technique to illustrate any story involving
repentance, or a change in direction (e.g. Jonah. Zaccheaus, Saul/Paul, or
even your own testimony) by drawing arrows on your cardboard instead of
"NO". i.e. one arrow from left to right, and the other from top to bottom.
A third possibility is MOM and WOW - just use your imagination!

Maurice Sweetsur

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10) Trapped in Sin lesson?

I was wondering if anyone has used the "Trapped in Sin" object lesson
from the site. It's a little unusual, but it's so unusual that I think
it would get their attention. We are going to start incorporating
object lessons for the kids into our services, and we were considering
this one, or at least something similar to it. If anyone has used it,
or adapted it for your use, please let me know. Thanks!

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W.W.J.S.? Gospel Catchers

There's something much worse than cooties...it's called sin!  Now kids can
make Gospel Catchers rather than Cootie Catchers! A fun and innovative way
for kids to learn to share their faith with their friends!  Includes 4
Gospel Catcher patterns to make: the Colors of Christ (Gospel Colors), the
Ten Commandments, the Beatitudes, and the Promises of God. Follow this
link to learn more:


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11) Godly behavior

Hello everyone:
In response to getting the children to behave according to God's word
while at sunday school, we are a very small church also and when I began
stepping out in faith God brought me into the sunday school as
superintendant, and I also teach expressive worship, we also had children
running around, doing what ever they wanted and a lot of the people were
very bothered by the childrens conduct, well this year we began teaching
criteria from gospel light which is FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT,
teaches them Godly behavior, for instance one lesson was on self control,
we have seen a great growth in all our students since we bagan this
criteria, it also has a
worship section which gears toward  self control for instance, and a bible
story and craft centered around self control and each week theres a
differant fruit to learn. Hang in there and know that God is by your side
and as long as we lean on him he will equip us with what ever we need to
fullfill his plan.
       Truly Your Sister In Christ

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12) Bible vs Evolution   

I am writing to lend some support to Xandra as she seems to be a lone
voice concerning evolution.  I am a Christian and a biologist, so I do
struggle with how to balance what I, as a scientist, have seen proven by
scientific methods and what I, as a Christian, read in the Bible.  The way
I have reconciled the two is to experience the Bible as the Word of God as
written through the eyes and minds of human beings.  We as human beings
are subject to interpreting information based on our background, our
biases, our body of experience.  Is it not possible that the
human(s)(Moses?) responsible for putting into writing the story of Genesis
made an interpretation?  That what was interpreted as "one day" may have
truly been thousands, or tens of thousands, of years.  After all in God's
realm there is no such thing as finite time.  In that light, it's not so
hard to at least agree to the possiblity of evolution.  And God has
created the intelligence of scientific minds that have come up with the
methods to test the age of human and dinosaur remains.  As a scientist, I
believe in the method of scientific proof based on repeated results.  That
doesn't have to exclude the possiblility of miracles.  I know in my heart
that God has created miraculous things on this earth and in the universe
and is continuing to do so.  My feeling is that it doesn't have to be an
either-or argument.

Truly his servant,
Lorraine, MA  

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13) Discipline   

I begin my telling the children what I expect of them.  If someone isn't
listening, I may say, do you agree with that Pam (using their name).  I
have a bag of Skittles near by and when someone says please or thank-you
or listening closely and so on, I will give them a Skittle and say Pam
thank you for listening closely and give them a Skittle.  This works well.
I also try to have control over the children before they enter the room.
I will be standing outside the door not letting anyone go in.  I say
something like put your hand on your head and when you go inside, sit down
in your chair quietly without talking.  You must be in the room before the
children.  God bless you, Pam

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14) Summer life application curriculum?

My name is Nancy, and I am the Children's Ministry
director at an E-Free church in Maryland. 
I also have a question.  I am looking for a summer
only curriculum for my 1st-2nd grade and 3-5th grade.
I'd like to do something like problem solving, getting
along with friends, what would Jesus do scenarios that
they might actually encounter.  We have great
curriculum for the rest of the year, but I don't like
the curriculum's summer block.

Thanks for any input I can get.


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15) Jesus Tomb   

Last year we made a tomb out of  1 gallon plastic milk jugs(washed out
with lids on).  It'll be too late to collect them & do it for this
Easter, but maybe for next year!  I'm sorry I didn't think to post this
idea sooner. I think we collected between 150-200 jugs and using a
hot-glue gun, built the tomb using the jugs as bricks.  Keeping the lids
facing inside. Place about 20 jugs around  in a circle, leaving space
for an entranceway & then connected them with hot glue.  Then just add
row after row of jugs hot-glued together.  After about the 5th row,
start moving to the center with the rows to create a dome effect and
continue until the top in enclosed. Voila! Then what we did was crinkle
up butcher-block paper & wrapped in all around the tomb to create a
rock-like surface.  We used masking tape on the back to attach it.  Then
we sponge painted with gray& black  paint to make it look like a tomb!
It was great.  We used it for our Children's Good Friday service and
rolled a stone over the entrance( 2 plastic swimming pools duct-taped
together & painted like the tomb)  And then on Easter morning, the stone
was rolled  everyone saw the tomb was empty! Hope this helps!

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Sarah Keith <><
438 East Ilex Drive
Lake Park, FL 33403

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Please include your email address.)

Your webservant,
Sarah Keith <><

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