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#3 for the "Most Popular Site in Christian Education" (Source: Alexa.com - May
Issue #59 -
September 25, 2007
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where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them." --

1) Kid's Club Badges
2) Christian School Help
3) Christian School Help
4) Filling holes in our faith
Repent & Believe Spinning
(An easy
Make N' Take download item.
Print as many patterns as you need.)
5) One Thing God Cannot Do
6) Mary's Dream
7) Kid's Club Badges
8) Noah's ark?
9) Autumn leaves
This letter was delivered to Rome and stresses salvation is a free gift,
received by trusting in Jesus alone. Who wrote it?
(The answer is in this newsletter.)

Would you like to see something done differently? New curriculum ideas?
Drop your suggestions into the box.
Email us your suggestions!

Fun Activities
Make N' Take Downloads
& Holy Days
Club Membership Discount
Email a friend to join us at

Desert of God's Love"
A devotional for older teens and adults.
Have you
developed a skit, game or craft you'd like featured here?
Email it to: SSTN
1) Kid's Club Badges
If you want use badges, these can be ordered at several sites online, just search for merit badges, or
screen printing, or embroidery. In our children's church we use something else called Bible Bucks. The children can earn Bible Bucks for all sorts of things including memory verses, bringing a friend to church, bringing a note from home showing they read their Bible, or had it read to them at least 10 minutes a day for the week. We have a store where they can turn in their Bible Bucks for all sorts of prizes.
2) Christian School Help
Karen. What questions do you have? I have worked a number of years and served as a short term principal in a Christian school using ACE curriculum which included the usage of paces. I will help you all that I can. There are some volumes for the operation of this kind of school which you receive when you take their training. These would give you all the help you should need. My email is jmcintom@aol.com if you wish to email me regarding anything. There are 12 paces per subject per year. Each pace has a quiz and then a final test. Each pace must be passed with an 80% or the student must retake the pace. It is a good curriculum if used properly and with additional extra curricular activities which will be at the teacher's discretion and knowledge. Both of my children graduated with this type of program from K-12 grade. The key is the motivation of the student, and the ability of the teacher to help them maintain goals to keep pace - at least that is helpful. Jeanne

3) Christian School Help
This type of ”learn-at-your-own-Pace” curriculum is from The School of Tomorrow, A.C.E.
(Accelerated Christian Education). They provide all types of information regarding training, support, price of Pace’s, etc.
They could also tell you if there are any local A.C.E. schools in your area.
I suggest visiting an A.C.E. school to see this environment and how this type of classroom functions.
Here is a link to a local A.C.E. school in my area. This school has been in operation approximately 10 years now.You might be able to glean some Information from them. http://www.trustandobey.org/min-GCCA.htm
God Bless you in this new area of your life.
Mari M.
4) Filling holes in our faith
We are doing lessons this year on "Filling holes in our faith"
We did the bulletin board to look like Swiss cheese, added color paper
in the holes. (adding our "word of the day" on the color paper)
Each Sunday we are going to talk about the different ways to fill up the holes
We are talked about ; hope, thankfulness and peace.
Plan to talk about; love, faith, charity, forgiveness, patience and acceptance.
For fun we added a church mouse to the board.
This has been fun and easy to do.
For crafts we have done cards to Grandparent on be thankful, Book marks on Hope
Plan to do wish catches too.
The kids love it and so do we.
This is an example of God being with us , for he holds my hand and leads me
Truly blessed .
Rhoda in Carter Lake IA
5) One Thing God Cannot Do
Just wanted to share this:
After discussing creation with my Sunday School class, we were talking about all the things God made and all the things he can do and I told the kids "God can do anything". A few minutes into our craft, one of my boys said "There's one thing God can't do." I thought about it for a minute. I couldn't think of anything, so I asked him what he thought God couldn't do. He said:
"God can't fail."
SSTN: amen!
6) Mary's Dream
Last year someone posted an article about at dream which Mary had saying something along the lines that she could see people celebrating Jesus’ birth date but didn’t know about him. This had a tremendous impact on me and I kept it hoping to share it with our church this year. Unfortunately I have had to have a new computer and the data is lost. How can I find it please.
--from SSTN: type "Mary's Dream" into the search box and you'll find
it. By the way, you can now access the search tool at the top of this newsletter.
Kid's Club Badges
>Can anyone who's used such a concept share their thoughts on what they like or don't like about this?
>Also, what materials
We've used these:
a. shrink art - write the verse on the shrink art plastic, punch a hole in it, and shrink it in the oven, then attach a keychain ring to it
b. print in on colored paper and laminate them , then attach them all on a lanyard - the children can wear it : we call it our
"power pack"
Poh Hoon

8) Noah's ark?
Hi, Sarah!!
I need your help. Do you have any crafts that deals with Noah's ark and
other Bible stories?
Mary Ivey
--from SSTN: the archives will help you locate them. Use the search tool at the
top of this newsletter.
9) Autumn leaves
We did a pin the Zacchaeus on the tree 2 years ago. I laminated a pic and used painters tape for the kids to stick it because it isn't very tacky. The kids put their blessings on the leaves we colored and placed on the tree after the story.
Jeni Czysz
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Your webservant,
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Posting Guidelines: http://SundaySchoolNetwork.com/SSTN_guidelines.html
This issue's Bible Trivia answer
is: "the book of Romans". "Written by the Apostle Paul".
Used by permission. From the game, "Bible
Copyright 1997 -
2007 / d.b.a. "S. A. Keith of Creative Imaginations
in any medium, commercial or noncommercial, is strictly prohibited
without prior written permission. SSTN has contributors from all
over the world who share their ideas. If you reprint any of the
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