2) Beatitudes "Catching" On
I purchased the Beatitudes
Catcher a couple of weeks ago and the kids loved it. One of our leaders
in our kids club is also a teacher and said the kids brought them to school
and were playing with them with their teachers and friends. This is a
secular school and she said it was amazing to see. So thank you.
Debbie B.
--from SSTN: We love
hearing how our Christian resources are being used "in the world!"
Do you have a story to tell? We'd love to hear from you too!
And to learn more about the Beatitudes
Catcher, visit the following link:
Celebrate the Feasts of the Lord, They Show Us Jesus!
Passover - Unleavened Bread - Firstfruits - Pentecost
"Shavuot" - Trumpets - Atonement - Tabernacles
An excellent resource for
Easter, Passover, or year round study!
3) Activity Bags: Pizza Boxes!
We asked our local pizza delivery restaurant to donate unused boxes. We then used paper fasteners to reinforce the box at the back bottom corners. Each box contains coloring sheets, blank paper, crayons, fruit snacks and a pencil. The box gives the child a firm surface to color on, saving our hymnals and pew bibles :). The children are welcome to take home the contents and return the empty box to be refilled.
Natalie Atkins
Bay Vista Baptist Church
Biloxi, MS
Like us on Facebook!
4) Activity Bags: T-Shirts
Good Afternoon,
I have a comment regarding the church activity bag question. Concerning the bag itself. An idea for making a bag is to use an old t-shirt and cut the arms off, sew the bottom together and slide your arm through the arm holes and Viola you have a pretty cool bag and depending on the size of the T-shirt you would have different size bags. the neck opening is the opening for the bag!!
Any way it is an idea for using up the old Vacation Bible school t-shirts!!
Blessings Mary
5) Is there a Daniel or Jeremiah in the house?
I've been blessed and inspired thinking about God's call on Jeremiah. Jeremiah chapter 1 tells us God knew Jeremiah in his mother's womb and set him apart to be a prophet before he was born. And when God spoke to Jeremiah and told him to beseech His people to repent, Jeremiah was still young and responded to God by saying (my paraphrase) "What, me? I'm, still a kid!
I can't do that!" Of course, he did as God asked, but the Jews failed to turn from their wicked ways and Jeremiah prophesied the 70 years of Babylonian captivity to come.
Daniel suffered the consequences of their hardheartedness, and became one of the Babylonian captives. He was trained for three years in the evil magic ways of the Babylonians in Nebuchadnezzar's palace. Indeed, even his home country where he was raised was steeped in evil (worshipping idols, sacrificing their children to idols, widespread adultery, dishonest business practices). And still Daniel stood strong for God, from his early years when he refused to eat the king's food, to late in his life when he prayed to the one true God and faced the lions. .
We worry about our children being influenced by this evil world. God calls our children to much more than that. Daniel and Jeremiah did more than resist the influence of their heathen environment. Even when very young, they were the voice of God, beacons of light and leaders.
So remember, when teaching the children in your charge, you could have a Daniel or Jeremiah before you!
Therefore put on the full armor of God so that when the day of evil comes you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Ephesians 6:13
Don't keep it to
SSTN with friends & associates!
6) Are You Using Audio / Visual Media?
One of our subscribers wrote in to say that the recent offer for video and
sound effects may be nice for some, but she would have no idea how to
incorporate that into her ministry.
One way I recently used sound effects was in teaching
Jonah, one of my latest curriculum books. When playacting the first two
chapters (the storm and the fish) we used audio sound effects of a
thunderstorm and then whale sounds. It was one extra layer for having the
children "live the story." It was very effective!
If you use audio, video media in your ministry,
then please share your ideas on SSTN!
Your webservant,
Sarah Keith <><
F.Y.I. when you purchase "Jonah,
Lessons for Children on God's Mercy and Salvation," the links to
the aforementioned audio clips, and how to incorporate them, are referenced in the
book. PLUS, you receive a $20 coupon to download Christian, children's music!
7) Church Activity Bags
We use the shoe size plastic storage boxes. We have one marked toddler and it has soft toys that can be mouthed and later disinfected, board books about Jesus that can also be disinfected.
The other boxes contain a Ziplock of 8 colors, a Christian coloring book, a Christian "slide" puzzle, small Christian books for young children, 2 pencils, stencils, and paper.
We are a small church so we stack these on the back bench by the door and put our two different age levels of children's bulletins next to them. Our boxes are for 3rd and under but we have bulletins for ages 7 - 12 also.
8) Church Activity Bags
At our church, we supply smaller canvas bags
[and fill them] with coloring pads, colors, puzzle books, small stuffed
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Lake Park, FL 33403
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include your email address.)
Your webservant,
Sarah Keith <><
Joining and Posting Guidelines: http://SundaySchoolNetwork.com/SSTN_guidelines.html
Copyright 1997 -
2011 / d.b.a. "S. A. Keith of Creative Imaginations Reproducing
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