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Issue #79 - December 27, 2007
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where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them." --

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1) 12 days of Christmas...not true
2) The Blessing Tree
3) New Year's Ideas
4) Emails not getting through
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This book contains God's instructions for sacrificing.
(The answer is
in this newsletter)
1) 12 days of Christmas...not true
According to www.snopes.com, this is not true. You can check it out at:
--from SSTN: wow, that was news to
me! I will surely note this in the website. However, if it wasn't used during
religious persecution, it can still be used as an effective tool for teaching
basic Christian creeds.
Thanks for keeping us on our toes!
Sarah Keith <><
2) The Blessing Tree
Today, I sat gazing at the twinkling lights on my Christmas Tree. With a Christmas instrumental softly playing in the otherwise quiet house, the lights began to beckon me to remember the blessings in my life. Tears of joy welled up in my eyes as God reminded me of HIS faithfulness. I can celebrate this season because the Promises HE recorded in HIS Word were faithfully fulfilled in the gift of HIS Son, presented to our lost world in that humble stable, so long ago. This very day - and the tree that commemorates the Light of Christmas, reminded me that GOD has continued to creatively lavish HIS love upon me in so many ways. Now, seeing the tree through tears, halos were added to the already sparkling lights. My heart warmed anew with HIS love for me. In those minutes of solitude and thankfulness to God...my Christmas tree, became my Blessing Tree.
I started at the top, thanking God for the the Light shining at the top of the tree for my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Then the tree started to twinkle brighter as my moments of thankful reflection began...first for each person in my beautiful family; husband, sons and daughter, daughter-in-laws, and 10 grandchildren! Each one holds a place in my heart that fills me with JOY!
The lights began to twinkle even brighter as I reflected on the past memories of loving parents and a Christian home; and the fact that even now, I can rejoice that my parents live in Heaven. I cherish God's Promise....I will see them again!
There were enough lights on the tree to name and thank God for my loving brothers and wonderful sister, nieces and nephews, in-laws (that are really fully family in my heart).
More twinkling erupted as I thought of very special friends. I dearly love every brother and sister in Christ that God has blessed me with in my life. I have unbelievable faithful friends that share their love with me in so many thoughtful ways.
And I have found a new freedom in Christ for which I am so thankful for. I love that as I worship and study the Bible, God introduces me to more and more new friends in Christ.
I have a community that is safe. The Trafalgar community has warmly welcomed my involvement to share Christ in many ways. I am blessed beyond blessed to work with other faithful friends and volunteers in a ministry in the public schools. There, I have made lots of new "little" friends that continually encourage me! There are friends I am waiting to meet in El Salvador. I will soon travel there on a mission trip to share Christ in this country very far from my USA roots (added blessing? - It is warm there in February!)
I spotted lights tucked in near the trunk of the tree that reminded me of the fundamental blessings I take for granted. I have a warm, safe home, food; enough that I can even share often with others. In my closets hangs enough clothing to allow me a choice of what I will wear for the day, several pairs of shoes and more than one coat. I can travel anytime in a good, safe, vehicle. God has continually provided the means for the gas, insurance, and maintenance.
Besides adoring my role as wife, mother and grandmother, the lights reminded me of other fun jobs and small businesses I have enjoyed through the years. I think the one I love most is my photography business. This one gave a venue for me to share the good news of Christ with many clients. I love that this business will allow me to "sort of" retire. I love that I can pass on the clients that call to other talented photographers - and that my camera will continue to be readily available to capture memories for friends and family whenever they need me.
I couldn't miss the lights that reminded me that our entire family has been blessed with amazingly good health. Sure, there have been a few unexpected detours in this life's journey, but each twist had a special blessing waiting just around the bend. God has used bumpy roads to teach and grow me stronger spiritually.
Oh, the more I gaze at the lights on the tree, the more blessings are shining!
I won't continue listing them, but if you have read this email this far, you have found yourself (probably more than once) providing light and twinkles on my Blessing Tree!
Before you dismantle and pack up your ornaments and lights from your Christmas tree - I pray you will find a few moments to spend reflecting on your blessings as well. You know, we all may need to add a few more strands of lights to our "Blessing Tree" next year!
May God's Blessings continue to twinkle brightly throughout the new year!
In Christ's Love,
3) New Year's Ideas
are some great ideas in the SSTN archives.
Just type, "New Years" into the search box to locate them
4) Emails
not getting through
Hello all,
Every once and awhile SSTN has trouble having our email delivered and
received. Therefore, if you have sent an email and you haven't seen it posted,
then please resend it to me personally at sakeith@aol.com.
Please pray for us as we try to get this issue resolved.
Your webservant,
Sarah Keith <><
P.S. I hope you had a fantastic CHRISTmas!
The answer
to this issue's Bible trivia is "Leviticus". Used by permission form "Bible
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Your webservant,
Sarah Keith <><
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