BELLS Chrismon Craft

These pictures were taken in the 5th and 6th grade boys Sunday School class at First Presbyterian Church of
NPB, Florida.
Great job, boys!
What You Need:
"Bells" Chrismon-Kids pattern, white foam craft sheet (found in most craft stores. I buy the 9" x 12" sheets that are 2-3mm thick), an assortment of gold trims such as: gold beads, laces, sequins, gold glitter glue, gold metallic paint or gold foil leafing, double stick tape, scissors.
What You Do:
Print out the
Bell pattern and cut it out. Tape the pattern onto the white foam, then cut it out. (This will eliminate having to draw onto the foam.) Decorate it with one or more kinds of gold trims. For younger kids, cut out the foam shape first, and let them decorate it. The lines drawn inside the silhouette pattern are there to simply suggest to the individual crafter where they might place the gold trims to decorate their Chrismon Ornaments. Crafters are free to use their creative spirit to decorate their ornaments! Remember, a Chrismon ornament is always white and gold. Thread with a gold thread and hang it on your Christmas tree. If you're making a Jesse Tree, each of the ornaments may be colored and decorated according to the crafter's choice. There is no need to adhere to the white and gold theme of a Chrismon Tree.
The Chrismon-Kids patterns can be used to create a Chrismon or a Jesse Tree. They can also be used when designing Christian banners or flags.
You get
32 Basic Christian symbols with Scripture references.
Copyright 1999 S.A. Keith - SundaySchoolNetwork.Com -- For individual or classroom use.
Not to be distributed or sold without the written consent of Sarah Keith.
A subscriber to SundaySchoolNetwork.Com wrote in to say that instead of using white craft foam, she used stiff, white felt so she could sew
gold trims onto her ornaments.
Copyright 1999 - S. A. Keith
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