Make an Outdoor Yard Nativity
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Journey to the
"Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord. This will be a sign to you:
You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger" Luke 2:11-12.
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What You Need: Three clay or plastic pots (the ones pictured above are one 14" and two 18" plastic pots); three 7"- 8" balls; light brown spray paint; burlap or other fabric (color of your choice); hay or natural fiber (I used coconut tree fiber); heavy-duty tape; glue gun; scissors.
What You Do: Spray paint balls, allow to dry. Turn the two large pots upside down. Tape two balls to the top of each pot. Drape fabric over balls to form veils. Cut two long strips of fabric to form headbands. Tie headbands to hold veils in place. Apply hot glue to sides of pot to hold veil (Make sure you don't touch the balls with the hot glue or they will pop. Unfortunately I can testify to this!) In the smaller pot fill the bottom with hay or natural fiber (You can fill the bottom with plastic bags first, and then place the "hay" on top). Place the third ball in the smaller pot.
To display at night, attach a star with lights to a pole and place it behind the nativity. Wrap a string of white lights one time around the nativity and the rest of the lights around the top of the manger, "His glory shone round about."
Copyright 2004 Sarah Keith
Learn more about our Christmas
crafting book, Journey to the Manger.

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