Candy Cane Celebration
A Christmas Party Idea
Invite friends to a Candy Cane Party.
Ask guests to wear red and white clothing.
Play Christmas charades by acting out Christmas carols.
Draw & Guess: Draw pictures of Christmas items (manger, camel, angel, sheep, etc.) on large pieces of paper. Let everyone guess what is drawn.
Read The Candymaker's Gift: The Legend of the Candy Cane while guests lick candy canes.
Let children take turns explaining the meaning of the candy cane.
Mix a batch of play dough so everyone can make candy cane ornaments.
Bake bread, rolls, or cookies in cane shapes.
Serve red & white snacks: fruit, strawberry sundaes, muffins with red jam.
Copyright 2009 David and Helen Haidle
The Candymaker's Gift:
The Legend of the Candy Cane

This book features creative ideas for family and classroom activities along with celebration suggestions, which will be enjoyed by all ages. Includes a one-page explanation of the Meaning of the Candy Cane with corresponding Scripture verses.
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