Sunday School Network

Make a Wordless Prayer Book

Color's of Christ Poem


The Color's of Christ poem is based on the Wordless Book, but I've added a few extra colors so it can also be used with A Jelly Bean Witness to tell the Gospel Story. You can make your own wordless book using colored cardstock paper or craft foam sheets. Punch holes on one side of each page, then tie the pages together using ribbon or pipe cleaners. You can also make a Wordless Prayer Book by gluing pictures of friends or family that need your prayers onto each of the pages.

Other Uses: Children can hold up matching colored poster boards while reciting the poem during a children's sermon or use the poem when making the Color's of Christ Cross or a Beaded Witness Bracelet.

ORANGE is for Heaven so bright. 
(2 Samuel 22:13-14)

YELLOW is for God's perfect light. 
(Matthew 5:48, Revelation 21:22-23)

BLACK is for the sins we've made. 
(Romans 3:23)

RED is for the blood He gave. 
(Romans 5:8)

WHITE is for our cleansing from sin. 
(Psalm 51:1-2)

GREEN is for our new life in Him. 
(Colossians 1:10)

PINK is for His free gift to share. 
(Matthew 28:19-20)

PURPLE is for the crowns we'll wear! 
(2 Timothy 4:8)

The colors explained:

Orange reminds us that Heaven is a beautiful and wonderful place where God lives. (Revelation 4:1-11)

Yellow reminds us that God is perfect, he is holy, he doesn't sin. (Revelation 4:8b)

Black reminds us that we have a huge problem. The Bible tells us that we do wrong things; we sin. Our sin separates us from God. It is impossible for us to be perfect! The Bible also tells us that our sins must be punished, and that blood must be shed to cover our sins. (Hebrews 9:22)

Red reminds us of God's love for you and me. He sent his perfect SON, Jesus, to earth. When Jesus died on the cross, he took the punishment that we deserved for sinning against God. (2 Peter 2:21-25.)

White reminds us that Jesus' makes us clean. (Hebrews 9:11-15.) When we trust in Jesus to be our Savior and Forever Friend, God no longer sees our sin; he sees Jesus. 

Green reminds us that because God's Spirit now lives in us, we are to grow to be like him. (Romans 8:9 and Colossians 1:10-14.)

Pink is a happy color! And it rhymes with think. Let us think of ways to share God's free gift with others, this makes God happy! (Matthew 28:19-20)

Purple reminds us that when we believe in Jesus, we are part of God's royal family—sons and daughters of the King. God has promised a crown to his children and a special place for us in Heaven for eternity! (1 Peter 2:9-10, 2 Timothy 4:8, John 14:1-4.) 

Copyright 2001 Sarah A. Keith -- SundaySchoolNetwork.Com

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