Sunday School Network

Freeze Frame Bible Memorization Game

Application: Bible memorization–active

Bible Memorization Game for Church, Sunday School

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Spend some time during class memorizing your Scripture verse(s), then play Freeze Frame to reinforce it. You will need lively praise music. 

How to Play
Turn on the music and turn up the sound. Kids jump to the music. When you stop the music kids must "Freeze Frame," that is they freeze their positions and don't talk. Teacher then says the first word in the Bible verse and tags a player to "thaw" him or her. The thawed player has the opportunity to say the next word. If the correct word is stated, player tags another player to thaw him/her. Play continues like this until the verse is stated. If a child doesn't know the word, he/she remains frozen and teacher starts the music again with only the players who are thawed jumping to the music.  Alternately, if a player doesn't know a word, start over, playing as before. Play continues until the verse is stated.

Copyright 2016 Sarah Keith

For more Bible memory games, get Bible Games Explosion. 
(Freeze Frame is NOT included in Bible Games Explosion.)

Bible games for children's ministry

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