Sunday School Network

Teaching Kids to Be Still 

Can You Hear Me Now? Be still, and know that I am God. . . Psalm 46:10

Props: In a tote bag place a radio, Bible, and small notepads.

(Turn on the radio while it's in the bag and before you begin the talk. It should be loud and confusing. Start talking to the children in a normal voice as if you are unaware of the noise coming from the bag. If children say they can't hear you, tell them to try harder, not to worry about it, and just listen more closely.)

(Remove Bible from the bag and with sounds playing read the following verses: Psalm 34:11, 37:7a, 46:10, 78:1. Make sure the translation of Psalm 46:10 says, "Be still") 

(With music still blaring) Ask, "What do you suppose those verses have in common?" (Allow children to answer; that is if they can hear you. After a few moments, notice the overwhelming sound, and turn it off.)

Oh, that's much better. That was really noisy and annoying! Can you hear me now? I'll read Psalm 46:10 to you. . . again: Be still, and know that I am God. This verse doesn't say sit still, it says, be still. What do you suppose is the difference? (Receive answers.)

Sitting still has to do with your body, but being still has to do with your spirit, the real you on the inside. You could barely hear me when I was talking with the radio blaring. For many of us, that's how we live our lives. We spend so much time listening to, and staring at TVs, listening to music, computers, and other electronics, that it makes it difficult to "hear" God speak to our spirits---the real you, the real me. We aren't use to stillness, to the quiet; it can make us uncomfortable.

But when we turn off the noise, and set aside time to read God's Word and pray, then as we go about our day working and playing, the Holy Spirit will speak to us in new ways. And for many of us, we will hear God for the very first time!

Close in prayer: "Dear God, help me to turn off the noise in my life, to be still, and listen to your voice. May my words and my thoughts be pleasing to you. Amen."

Home Connection: Distribute small note pads to children to write down their prayers. Suggest they use a highlighter pen to mark over a prayer when God answers it.

Copyright 2012 Sarah A. Keith - All rights reserved

Kids' Bible Talks, Children's Sermons

This children's sermon is included in
It's in the Bag - 52 Bible Talks for Children's Ministry


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